Call for new Co-chairs

Call for new Co-Chairs

The CODATA-RDA Schools of Research Data Science (SoRDS) is seeking candidates for a co-chair position.

Co-chairs play a central role in managing SoRDS operations. They collaborate with other co-chairs to oversee training events, secure funding, invite and support instructors and assistants, raise SoRDS’ visibility, shape strategic direction, and develop the curriculum.

Co-chairs will have the chance to engage with a team of interesting people committed to an important cause. The schools have been run in a variety of interesting locations in the world and co-chairs have the chance to teach at these locations. Anyone who is motivated about teaching Data skills and about making a difference should consider this!

This is a volunteer based position, in which most of the co-chairs combine their academic or industry jobs with the work related to the schools. Please reach out to if you have any questions.

Deadline to apply: Nov 30th, 2023