
A Curriculum for Foundational Research Data Science Skills for Early Career Researchers

The curriculum for the Data Schools is an RDA-endorsed Recommendation with the aim of giving Early Career Researchers (ECRs) the foundational skills in Data Science to work with their data, encouraging them to consider the importance of open and responsible research.  The curriculum, delivered over approx. 70 hours, combines technical skills, such as Software Carpentry, with responsible research practices such as Open and Responsible Research.  At the end of the course students will:

  • understand responsible conduct of research as it pertain to data science
  • have a broad understanding of the Open Science movement
  • have reflected on the impact of Open Science on their own research and future career.

RDA Recommendations and Outputs – the Endorsement Process

RDA Recommendations and Outputs are the technical and social infrastructure solutions developed by RDA Working Groups or Interest Groups that enable data sharing, exchange, and interoperability.  These Outputs have an important impact in two areas:  solving problems, and incorporation and/or adoption in infrastructure environments by individuals, projects, and organisations.  The goal of RDA is to expand the awareness and adoption of these Outputs, and hence their impact, within all regions of the world.