
FAIRsFAIR EOSC Synergy Data Steward Instructor Training at Gdańsk University of Technology – September 2021

The FAIRsFAIR-CODATA-RDA Data Steward Training in partnership with EOSC Synergy delivered a three day train-the-trainer workshop to members of staff at the Gdańsk University of Technology to support the development of data stewardship skills.  A key aim of this workshop was to empower a network of peers where best practices are exchanged and where those with more experience could share their knowledge with those just getting started.

FAIRsFAIR – Fostering Fair Data Practices in Europe – aims to supply practical solutions for the use of the FAIR data principles throughout the research data life cycle. Its emphasis is on fostering FAIR data culture and the uptake of good practices in making data FAIR.


This workshop  introduced participants, as data professionals, to the key concepts and drivers for Open Science, RDM and FAIR data, introduce pedagogical techniques so they can train members of their own institutions, and to enable the resulting network of practitioners in peer institutions who can collaborate, work and learn together.

NORF, FAIRsFAIR and EOSC Synergy Data Steward Instructor Training – July 2021

Ireland’s National Open Research Forum (NORF), FAIRsFAIR and EOSC Synergy delivered a three-day workshop in July 2021 to support the development of data stewardship skills among staff in higher education institutions and other research performing organisations in Ireland.

As a train-the-trainer workshop, the event was aimed at those within institutions who are engaged in providing support and training on research data management (RDM) and FAIR data. The workshop aimed to introduce participants to the key concepts and drivers for Open Science, RDM and FAIR data, to review and discuss local support services, and to identify areas where collaboration on support provision would be beneficial.

Train-the-Trainer Workshop – FAIRsFAIR EOSC-Pillar and Ghent University – June 2021

FAIRsFAIR, EOSC-Pillar, EOSC Synergy and Ghent University delivered a three day train-the-trainer workshop to support the development of data stewardship skills among staff in universities and  other research institutions in Belgium. A key aim of this workshop was to empower a network of peers where best practices are exchanged and where those with more experience could share their knowledge with those just getting started.

The workshop aimed to introduce participants to the key concepts and drivers for Open Science, RDM and FAIR data, to consider the existing local support service they could leverage and to identify areas where collaboration with peer institutions on support provision would be beneficial.

Data Stewardship Training – Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica  December 2020

This FAIRsFAIR & CODATA-RDA Foundational Data Steward workshop was very important for the University as it allowed the participants to train and update themselves in terms of management of research data and other aspects related to good practices in the use of their data. “The work of the Research Data Science Schools has been fundamental to accompany this process in which various sectors of the university such as librarians, computer scientists, researchers from all areas, academic advisors and journal editors are sharing information and creating a common notion of what is the type of data policy we need and how to approach it”. Paola Gonzalez Vargas, organiser of the workshop.

Participant comments:

– “It is extremely important to clarify concepts, and see the practical usefulness of the concepts in our reality as a university.”

-“With this training It was evident that some of the tasks that we have been doing with the repositories are related to the tasks of a Data Stewardship. We can work on some more things from this area.“

FAIRsFAIR & CODATA-RDA Data Steward Training, University of Manchester, UK

16-20 November 2020.

In November a Data Steward the training event was co-organised by Research Data Management staff at the University Library and our team of instructors. The purpose of the training was to introduce the concept of data stewards to The University of Manchester as a pilot programme in the first stage of the University’s new Research Data Management Strategy, and in conjunction with the institution-wide Research Lifecycle Programme. The model used was a ‘train the trainer’ approach, whereby a small group of 12 participants took part, drawn from Library Research Services, Library Digital Technologies and Services, Research IT, Information Governance, and data managers already embedded within schools and faculties.

The training aimed to bring together data management and open research perspectives from across the Professional Services involved in the day-to-day processes of research data management.

As this was the first online iteration of the CODATA-RDA Research Data Summer School involving new participants, the curriculum was streamlined to focus on a few key topics which would be of most use to the chosen cohort. The training was delivered via an online discussion forum where slides and exercises were posted, and via three one-hour virtual sessions. The topics covered were: Introduction to FAIR data; What does a data steward do?; Development of Research Data Management Policies; Promoting and Archiving Data; Open and Responsible Research; and Linked data.

Participants were encouraged to use the FAIR-Aware tool to consider what support systems, workflows and resources are already in place that may be leveraged to support data stewardship provision at The University of Manchester, and to consider whether there are points in the research data lifecycle where different services could take an active lead. As part of the live session on RDM policies, participants utilised the ‘Do I-PASS for FAIR’ self-assessment tool to measure the FAIR-ness of the institutional policy and services.

Four instructors led the synchronous virtual sessions, with the support of CODATA-RDA managers and assistants who helped to set up the infrastructure for the training to take place online. This introduction to data stewardship will now assist the development of the RDM strategy at The University of Manchester: how we build upon current good processes, and how we develop domain-specific knowledge and support and implement a model for data stewards.


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